Alright, let’s see if this is fun…was told it’s up my alley 🎮

I’ve kind of discovered I can do just about the majority of what I’d do on my laptop on my iPad these days, just gotta adapt to new ways of doing stuff. It’s a nice change, though

In 2014 I tried to learn a little bit about photography, Photoshop, Lightroom, and I had the camera focused Nokia Lumia 1020. It was interesting. Some surviving shots from those days:

Going through old clips and found one of the awful TMNT XBLA game…good stuff 🎮

Playing around on my iPad while my wife drives us home, like an iPad kid

Went to sister in laws wedding with the wife. Good time! One day I’ll learn how to smile for photos

Using my phone to remote into my laptop that’s sitting behind me in bed so I can look at the screen to check progress on something is the ultimate form of lazy I just partook in

I actually don’t hate this…I’m gross

There’s a spider in my office. I guess I’ll leave my keys on the counter for him and see myself out

Ahhhh, perfect for 2:36AM!

Grandia never came to the US on Saturn, and I missed out on the PS1 version. Picked up the modern rerelease and finally playing a classic JRPG I missed out on! 🎮

Sega Saturn phase has struck again 🎮

So good 🎵


Go ahead and rerelease Doom 100 times, I’ll play through it every time 🎮

I am so glad I’m not a generic ass IT guy that’s only ever used Windows

Oh boy do I love super long drives!

Gojira at the Olympics opening ceremony FUCK YEAH! France has some of the most amazing metal bands ever too

Ahhh time for some easy listening 🎵

One day I’ll continue my Linux stuff but for now and the next few weeks I don’t want to even look at a computer that isn’t a game machine when I’m not working…